T2S-Reference Data (T2S)

- Support for the automated control of order and settlement processes.
WM data for the safekeeping of financial instruments in T2S – TARGET2 Securities
With the introduction of TARGET2-Securities (T2S), coordi-nated by the European Central Bank (ECB), European banks are supposed to receive a uniform platform for an EU single market within securities settlement.
The T2S platform covers the features
- securities settlement,
- briefing,
- validation
- and matching of the transactions to the actual settlement.
With the T2S product, WM provides information within the scope of the supply of T2S data by Clearstream Banking (OneClearstream).
OneClearstream is a universal interface for the harmonisation of the services between Clearstream Banking AG Frankfurt as German CSD, Clearstream Banking Luxembourg S.A. as international CSD (ICSD) and LuxCSD SA as Luxembourg CSD.
Based on this OneClearstream initiative, WM Datenservice provides reference data for the financial instruments for the markets Italy, France, Belgium and the Netherlands (ESES).
Collective safe custody is in general the precondition that an ISIN is adopted into the T2S system.
The following reference data are provided among others:
- T2S ELIGIBILITY indicates whether the instrument is eligible for settlement within the T2S system.
- T2S LMP DATE FROM indicates from when an instrument of the T2S system is included in an LMP (Local Market Partnership) market via Clearstream.
- CSD FUNCTIONS IN THE T2S SYSTEM: BIC of the participating CSD/ technical issuer CSD / role of the participating CSD.
- T2S RESTRICTIONS BY CSD/CBF contains the settlement restriction initiated by CBF within the T2S system.
- NEW: Financial Instrument Classification as per the CSDR Art. 9