PRIIPS Reference Data (PRI)

  • Complete
  • Up to date
  • Near real time

Essential Data for the Advisory Business

The coming into force of the PRIIPs Regulation on 1 January 2018 is supposed to create higher transparency for investors when they acquire Packaged Retail and Insurance-Based Investment Products (PRIIPs). From that time on, manufactur-ers need to produce appropriate Key Information Documents (KIDs) for every financial instrument relevant to PRIIPs, which must be handed out to the customers by the distributers before the conclusion of a contract.
WM Datenservice provides, within the scope of its PRIIPs services, the data feed PRIIPs Reference Data (PRI) to fulfil the legal requirements as per the PRIIPs Regulation. Financial instruments relevant to PRIIPs can be identified with the PRI data feed that provides the PRIIPs information that is important for the advisory process, e.g. SRI (Summary Risk Indicator), available KIDs versions, complexity identifier (and/or the warning notice), and other master data.
WM uses the PRIIPs identifier for each financial instrument in the WM database. Master data for instruments are directly supplied by the PRIIPs manufacturers to WM.
Data fields:

  • PRIIP identifier(Yes/no)
  • Source identifier (WM/manufacturer)
  • Current KID (EU PRIIPs Regulation available)(Manufacturer/WM-EDH)
  • Type of KID generation (on demand, on the fly, static)
  • Investor documentation for funds available (Manufacturer/WM-EDH)
  • SRI as per current KID
  • PRIIP warning notice in the current KID (complex product)
  • PRIIPs-KID versions (Language, country, version numbers)

The PRIIPs data of the markets Germany and Austria will almost be available in full for the launch of PRIIPs in January 2018.
Other European markets will be further expanded.

* The Regulation (EU) No. 1286/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 November 2014 on Key Information Documents for Packaged Retail and Insurance-Based investment Products (PRIIPs Regulation) provides a new EU-wide standard of product information for consumers.
For Packaged Retail and Insurance-Based Investment Products (PRIIPs) appropriate Key Information Documents (KIDs) must be available once the PRIIPs regulation has entered into force. These key information documents shall enable the small investor to understand and compare the basic cha-racteristics and risks of PRIIPs. The distributors of PRIIPs are obligated to provide small investors with a current KID prior to a transaction.