Options & Futures (O&F)
- Comprehensive
- Day to day basis
- Standardised
Uniform, trans-institutional identification
Our support for your global trading activities
Already in the year 2000, WM Datenservice bridged a gap with the product Options & Futures (O&F), thus not only offering to provide classical trading objects but also Eurex products (contract or series) with unambiguous WKNs and ISINs.
Currently, auditing companies and guidelines within the scope of MiFID demand that contracts no longer be identified by the WKN or ISIN of the underlying asset, but by own, individual WKNs and ISINs.
Before commencement of trading, WM Datenservice provi-des all new series set up on the previous day with complete contract specifics.
WKNs and ISINs for every contract – for unambiguous identification in integrated systems
Data profile:
- Standardised short description
- Characteristic master data
- ISIN underlying
On the basis of the data provided linkages to underlyings and subordinate contracts are easily possible. By using uniform identification codes such as ISIN/WKN, you can enhance the efficiency of your trading processes and minimize the risk of errors and inconsistencies. With the characteristic master data and ISINs of the underlying securities provided by WM Datenservice, you can quickly access information related to the contracts and make well-informed decisions. Our solution allows for seamless integration into your existing systems, ensuring that you always have access to the most up-to-date and accurate data. Rely on our extensive experience and expertise in securities processing to optimize your trading activities and gain a competitive edge.